Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mingle all the way

You know what's The Worst? I'll tell you. Being in a situation that calls for mingling when one is just not in a particularly mingle-y mood. As luck would have it, I found myself in just such a situation last night: feeling ornery, closed-off, and stubbornly wallflower-ish. The reason such situations as these are The Worst goes beyond your own bad mood — it's the knowledge that your bad mood is childish and uncalled for that really takes it to the level of The Worst. There's no way to shake the cranky, so you're stuck in a vicious cycle of situation-loathing, self-awareness, and eventual self-loathing — resulting in more situation-loathing, as you're aware that only by escaping this situation will all of the loathing cease, despite the ridiculous nature of the loathing in the first place.

See? It's just The Worst. I'm irritated just thinking about it. And for what? God forbid I have to go to a stranger's home with my boyfriend and eat free macaroni and cheese pizza. God forbid the home be lovely and the night air be just the right dose of hot and sticky to make sitting outside under mini garden lanterns a sheer delight (well, a sheer delight on any other occasion. Let's not forget, I'm loathing this particular sitch). And God forbid, the strangers end up being normal, not-entirely-loathsome people. So what is my problem? Can we blame it on hormones? Let's blame it on hormones. It's just one of those things that makes a girl feel like a raging B — something that, if you have eyeballs enough to see Stuff&Nonsense, you know I do not aim at. But I guess The Crazy gets the best of us all from time to time — and it sucks. Plain and simple sucks. So what can you do to shake The Crazy in the future? I'm just not sure. Deep breaths and affirmations in the bathroom? (I tried last night — to little avail.) Taking a step back? Gaining some much-needed perspective? Those suffering from occasional bouts of Crazy wish it were that simple. In the end, thank heavens there's always tomorrow and a brand new day — as Miss Stacy said in Anne of Green Gables, "Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it."

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