This little blog of mine isn't one to preach about relationships and such — but sometimes, when relationships in all their roller-coaster-ness are on the down, it's important to have a pick-me-up. Sure, recipes, pretty things, a song, a dance, a stumbling — all these pick me up. But wise words about the realities of relationships that can not be stuff&nonsensed away are just as beneficial.
Take this excerpt from Time – "How to get and stay married: Know that the grass ain't greener."
"Don’t look at other couples and think they have it all together while you and your mate don’t. That’ll just make you feel bad about your relationship and drag you down. Those smiling people who look like they have it all do have it all — including problems. You just have no idea what they are. And don’t look at individuals you’re not with and think you could have a better relationship with them. It’s easy to fantasize that the sexy acquaintance with whom you have a buzzy rapport with would make a hot, fun, trouble-free [boyfriend], but [he’s] just someone whose problems you don’t know yet. Love the one you’re with, and work through the problems you know."
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