Tuesday, May 3, 2011


"Cahoots (kuh-HOOTS) noun
A very particular type of partnership. When you say that two
people in "in cahoots," it usually means they are up to no good."

This is a big week for me. The Boyfriend comes home tomorrow after being abroad and finding himself for the past four-plus months, and Lord knows I'm ready to jump out of my skin and into his ever-lovin' arms — but today? Today my partner in cahoots comes back to Wisco. She's been off gallivanting (this time it was South America — last year it was Asia), and now she's back in my little corner of the world.

Rachelle is one of those people who can do anything. Sure, I could say that about a lot of friends to encourage morale, but Rachelle actually can do anything. She's held more odd jobs, come through more scrapes, seen more of the world, and pulled success out of her ass more than anyone I know. She puts her mind to it, and it's done. She's fearless. Fierce. Up for anything. Will fight to the death standing up for meek-minded amigas like me. The list goes on — and maybe that's why she's my bosom friend and partner in cahoots. There are only a handful of people whose list of amenities runs on for miles (at least in my book), and Rachelle has one of the longest lists of all — and a friend with countless amenities is a friend worth keeping. Long story short? I'm glad to have her back.

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