Wednesday, October 5, 2011


It is possible to want to go to a snow-globe?
Because I've always wanted to go to there.

I know, I know... I just wrote about falling for fall — yesterday. And today I'm posting snow globes and saying how I've always wanted to go to there — a winter wonderland. I'm getting far ahead of myself, and I know I'll regret my wintry dreams come January. But I stumbled upon these charming little snow globes and I was transported to a world two months from now, when Christmastime will be in full swing — for despite this sunshiny day and the fact that the trees have yet to fully turn, there's been much talk of Christmas chez moi.

Just yesterday, Pippin ran out of my mom's room proudly brandishing a piece of red tissue paper — how he found it, we'll never know. "He's going to be a handful come Christmas," my mom mused. My dad joked that we should just cut the top off the Christmas tree and mount the bottom on a card table — that way Pippin couldn't cause any mischief. I wasn't sure if he was kidding or not — luckily, he was.

There's also The Boyfriend, whose holiday plans are so far up in the air I wonder if they'll ever drop. His parents are living in Switzerland, his sister in New York, and his grandparents in India — talk about going global. So where to spend the holidays? Lord only knows. And his family doesn't seem to be in any hurry to decide. Myself? I must remain patient — time will tell — but I shall keep my fingers crossed that maybe we'll get to spend Christmas and New Year's together. (These hopes aren't helping me remain in the present... But looking ahead: that's the point of hoping, right?)

And then there's the fact that I haven't been to "The Nutcracker" in years, and I'm dying to go. I've told my mom for what seems like ages that some year, we've got to go. She always smiles and agrees — but the plans have yet to be put into motion. I know. It's expensive. And there's always so much else to do around the holidays. But maybe we'll actually go this year — I adore the ballet. The sets, the costumes, the music — don't get me started! In fact, I've started far too much in this post. Time to put away my snow-globe dreams and focus on fall. There will be plenty of time to love the snow — and probably, if you ask me in January, too much time.

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